
2011-1-24 17:06:39 - china daily

1. 跨国婚介 mail-order bride trade


In the age of globalization, the international matchmaking industry — still known in many circles as the  mail-order bride trade — is thriving like never before.

在全球化时代,国际婚介机构,也就是很多人所谓的“邮购新娘”业务,正迎来从未有过的繁荣发展。文中的mail-order bride trade就是“跨国婚介”,mail-order bride也就是所谓的“邮购新娘”,是指通过此类机构从海外娶回的新娘。这种婚姻就称为mail-order marriage。这类婚介机构的作用相当于matchmaker(媒人),而婚介机构也可以称为matchmaking agency。但由于涉及移民和human trafficking(人口贩卖)等问题,参与此类机构的活动一定要谨慎再谨慎。如今,international matchmakers(国际婚介机构)已经成为一种快速发展的行业。此外,很多年轻人还通过dating websites(交友网站)互相结识。目前我国男女的出生gender ratio(性别比例)失调。再过多少年,也许跨国婚姻会变成解决大龄男青年婚姻问题的一条重要出路呢。

2. 你遭遇了“新年障碍”吗

新的一年来到,每个人都期望新年有新气象,有新的收获。可因为习惯思维的关系,大家在新年的前几周会时不时地把新年的日期写成去年的。这样的情况,我们就叫做new year’s block。
New year's block is a condition that usually takes place the first couple of weeks into the new year, in which a person keeps writing in the last/previous year in place of the new one.

New year's block(新年障碍)是在每年刚开始的那几周会频繁发生的一种情况:人们在填写日期的时候,会在本该写新年份的地方习惯性地写上刚刚过去那一年的数字。

For example:This is my third check today I write in the "old" year! I guess I got new year's block.


3. 外债余额 outstanding external debt


China's outstanding external debt (excluding that of Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan province) reached $546.449 billion, said the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) on Wednesday.

中国国家外汇管理局周三称,中国的外债余额(不包括香港特区、澳门特区和台湾省)达到了5464.49亿美元。在上面的报道中,outstanding external debt指的是“外债余额”,external debt即“外债”。外债余额是指国有商业银行总行及其境内外分支机构,向境外的金融机构或其他企业、机构、个人筹借并供境内使用且尚未偿还的,以外国货币承担契约性偿还义务的所有债务总额。Outstanding在这里的意思是“未支付的”。数据显示,short term external debt(短期外债)在我国外债中所占比例继续上升。其中,trade credit(贸易信贷)和trade finance(贸易融资)占短期外债余额的78.17%,这与中国近年外贸迅猛发展相关。


上中学的时候,我们学过一句英语谚语“Jack of all trades, master of none”,说的是Jack这个孩子什么都懂一点,但每样都不精通。老师教育我们说做事情要专注,要刨根究底,知其然,还要知其所以然。谁知,到了伟大的 21世纪,Jack小朋友又跑出来了,而且同伴还不少呢。

With the development of the Internet and other sources of instantaneous information, many people strive to gain at least a working knowledge of many different subjects. They are so-called “pancake people”, they no longer concentrate their energies on one area of interest, but instead choose to spread themselves thinly over a large area. As a result, a new generation of pancake people have essentially become the proverbial jacks of all trades, but masters of none.

随着网络和各种信息渠道的发展,很多人都力求在各个不同领域都至少获得一些基本的操作知识。他们就是所谓的“煎饼人”,他们不再将精力专注于某一个感兴趣的领域,而是让自己的关注点浅浅地散布在一个很大的范围。由此,新一代的“煎饼人” 就真的成谚语里说的“门门通,门门松”了。

The term “pancake people” is largely seen as a negative commentary on the current age of instantaneous information. The ability to access even the most obscure information in a matter of seconds may be seen as a positive social development on one level, but it can also cause some people to become less inclined to delve more deeply into one particular subject of interest. As a result, a generation of overloaded pancake people may become more obsessed with popular culture and less interested in the larger arc of human history.


5.男性购物时间 shopping window

喜欢shopping的人大概都知道window shopping吧?对,就是“橱窗购物”,也就是只看不买。爱逛街的女孩子们肯定都会说这个词。不过,今天我们要说的是主要针对男同胞的,似乎他们平时不怎么爱逛街,就算到了商场也是买了东西就走人。他们购物所花的时间就叫做shopping window。

Shopping window refers to the time period during which a guy is actually engaged in the shopping experience. This period can last from almost no time at all to literally hours for a metrosexual, and includes all forms of shopping, from the grocery store to designer boutiques. It should also be noted that this period can be increased through witty girl techniques such as handing a guy a blackberry loaded with brickbreaker to play or sitting him in front of a couch with sportscenter.

Shopping window指某男逛街时的实际购物时间,我们就称其为“男性购物时间”。这个购物时间可能短到一秒都不到,而对都市美男来说,也可能会持续好几个小时;购物的类型也不拘一格,可能是去杂货店,也可能是去设计师专营店。另外,这个男性购物时间也可以通过借鉴一些女生常用的策略来延长,比如,给陪同的伙伴手里塞个装有打砖块游戏的黑莓手机让他玩,或者安排他坐在前面有sportscenter节目可看的休息沙发上。

For example:

Dude, I am totally down to go try on a few pairs of jeans right now, but I am letting you know that my shopping window is only about 45 minutes today.




去邮局寄信、到商场购物、到旅行社订出行计划… 这样的事情在网络走入人们的生活以后正在慢慢淡出历史舞台。能在网上解决的事情就不用在现实生活中费精力、费时间了。可是,你想过吗?其实这个世界上还是有那么一些人并不怎么了解网络的。

For many of us below a certain age, use of the web is routine, and our children have only ever known a world where going online is an accepted norm of everyday life. However the fact remains that there is still a significant part of the population who do not use the Internet, either because their social situation precludes access, or because they are part of an older generation for whom the Web still seems something of a mystery. These people are now being referred to as nonliners.


Nonliner is of course a play on onliner, blending this word with the prefix non-, meaning 'not'. The term seems to be very recent, only having popped up in the last year or so, amidst a growing awareness of the need to help a significant minority who do not possess the skills or resources to access the Internet.








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