The Gates Notes

  1. Is there a crisis in capitalism?

  2. How to handle a national crisis

  3. Looking for a summer read? Try one of these 5 books

  4. Test-tube mosquitoes might help us beat malaria

  5. The world’s deadliest shapeshifter

  6. These maps could point the way to stopping malaria

  7. Meet the virus hunters

  8. We should discuss soil as much as we talk about coal

  9. The unexpected way we might one day diagnose Alzheimer’s

  10. Melinda has a terrific new book coming out

  11. Can goats empower women?

  12. What the plow and lab-grown meat tell us about innovation

  13. On the right track in Chicago

  14. We didn’t see this coming

  15. Making the world’s invisible people, visible

  16. Bots, britches, and bees

  17. What I learned at work this year

  18. A new way to look at Leonardo

  19. When ballistic missiles can see

  20. I couldn’t put down this thriller with a tragic ending

  21. Why I’m into meditation

  22. A guide to worrying in the 21st century

  23. Educated is even better than you’ve heard

  24. 5 books I loved in 2018

  25. Good news in the fight to stop one of the world’s oldest diseases

  26. If you want to understand Silicon Valley, watch Silicon Valley

  27. How mobile phones are helping farmers grow bigger harvests

  28. Why I love fertilizer

  29. I shared the stage with a beaker of poop in China

  30. Why the world deserves a better toilet

  31. Let’s create the third wave of poverty reduction

  32. All Hail the Condom King

  33. What I loved about Paul Allen

  34. Can you beat my score on this climate change quiz?

  35. Climate change and the 75% problem

  36. Can the Wi-Fi chip in your phone help feed the world?

  37. How to keep up progress on global health

  38. Africa’s women belong at the top

  39. How to unlock the talents of young Africans

  40. Think Ethiopia is the land of famines, think again, says this young African

  41. A poacher’s son protects Africa’s wildlife from the skies

  42. Even the Queen of England is impressed with this young Rwandan’s water business

  43. Meet Rwanda’s first female professional cyclist

  44. A long walk to better health in Namibia

  45. The world’s youngest continent

  46. How 3D printers are preparing students for life after high school

  47. Let’s give teachers a bigger voice

  48. What I learned from a teacher of refugees

  49. Not enough people are paying attention to this economic trend

  50. Recovering Rwanda






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