The Gates Notes

  1. What kangaroos can teach us about saving lives

  2. Why diagnosing Alzheimer’s today is so difficult—and how we can do better

  3. This doctor wants to make sure no patient is out of reach

  4. Memorizing these three statistics will help you understand the world

  5. Warren and I visited a fantastic candy store in Omaha

  6. Bionic arms empower kids to express themselves

  7. Can this cooler save kids from dying?

  8. Here’s my gift to college graduates

  9. “We can change hate by love.”

  10. An all-American ghost story

  11. Not everything happens for a reason

  12. Lifelong learners will appreciate this book about the history of everything

  13. Leonardo is one of the most fascinating people ever

  14. 5 books worth reading this summer

  15. Management tips from a brilliant business leader

  16. This school proves that universities can be bigger and better

  17. 7 surprising things you’ll learn on Dollar Street

  18. What if everyone in the world lived on the same street?

  19. Fixing financial aid

  20. The next epidemic is coming. Here’s how we can make sure we’re ready.

  21. Net Impact

  22. Could this be the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to defeat malaria?

  23. This animal kills more people in a day than sharks do in a century

  24. Strength in Numbers

  25. Why I want to stop talking about the “developing” world

  26. My family loved reading this book together

  27. A humanist approach to teaching kids

  28. What tennis and philanthropy have in common

  29. 8 great questions from readers

  30. 10 tough questions we get asked

  31. My new favorite book of all time

  32. On the doorstep of victory

  33. Meeting the Musahar

  34. The business of improving global health

  35. Some good news, for once

  36. No masks or capes, but these heroes are saving the world

  37. Why I’m digging deep into Alzheimer’s

  38. The mystery of mom and dad

  39. How energy makes life possible

  40. Eddie Izzard is a comic genius

  41. A fresh take on the Vietnam War

  42. A searing portrait of American poverty

  43. “I want students to see many different futures”

  44. This obscure agency is key to solving our energy problems

  45. 2017 retweeted

  46. Is the world falling apart? Not at all.

  47. Leaving no one behind

  48. Putting students first

  49. Our education efforts are evolving

  50. 4 signs of progress on climate change






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