The Gates Notes

  1. Satya Nadella’s guide to the future

  2. The fight against AIDS is filled with heroes. Learn how you can be one too.

  3. 5 amazing books I read this year

  4. The Fight Against AIDS is Filled with Heroes. Learn How You Can Be One Too.

  5. Our Education Efforts Are Evolving

  6. Putting Students First

  7. Leaving No One Behind

  8. Satya Nadella’s Guide to the Future

  9. Is the World Falling Apart? Not at All.

  10. This Obscure Agency Is Key to Solving Our Energy Problems

  11. How to Teach Engineering to a 5-Year-Old

  12. “I Want Students to See Many Different Futures”

  13. Remembering Sam Dryden

  14. The Man is Non-Stop

  15. The Bread Lab in My Backyard

  16. What Cowboys Can Teach Us About Feeding the World

  17. Giving Foreign Aid Helps America’s Economy

  18. 16 Million Reasons To Be Optimistic About Polio

  19. Testing Mattresses with Warren Buffett

  20. A Poetic Novel About Grief

  21. What If People Run Out of Things to Do?

  22. From Coal Country to Yale

  23. Chameleon Comic

  24. Jimmy Carter’s Full Life

  25. 5 Good Summer Reads

  26. Foreign Aid Keeps Americans Safe

  27. Dear Class of 2017…

  28. Strong Coffee, Stronger Women

  29. Playing Tennis With Roger Federer

  30. India Is Winning Its War on Human Waste

  31. Record-Breaking Generosity

  32. Neglected No More

  33. Hidden in Plain Sight

  34. You Should Appreciate Germs

  35. My Advice for China’s Students

  36. How Foreign Aid Helps Americans

  37. Beating Nature at Its Own Game

  38. This Book Left Me in Tears

  39. Warren Buffett’s Best Investment

  40. Our Memories of Hans Rosling

  41. A Conversation about Friendship, Failure, and the Future

  42. Preparing for the Next Epidemic: A First Step

  43. 5 Reasons I’m Optimistic About Africa

  44. Five Reasons I’m Hopeful about Africa

  45. My Favorite Fanatics of 2016

  46. A New Model for Investing in Energy Innovation

  47. What Makes a Great Leader?

  48. An Honest Tale of What It Takes to Succeed in Business

  49. A Literary Master Serves Up a Winner

  50. My Favorite Books of 2016






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