The Gates Notes

  1. Why I’d Love to Be a College Student Again

  2. A Perfume that Smells Like Poop?

  3. Lost and Found with “the Most Wondrous Map Ever Produced”

  4. Let’s Make TB History

  5. Science is the Great Giver

  6. Why I’d Rather Cuddle with a Shark than a Kissing Bug

  7. Mapping the End of Malaria

  8. Accelerating Innovation with Leadership

  9. South Africa: Virtually There

  10. Computers Are For Girls, Too

  11. I Love This Cutting-Edge School Design

  12. How Star Wars Helps Explain Civil Rights

  13. A Powerful Conversation on Schools, Poverty, and Race

  14. A Teacher Who Changed My Life

  15. America’s Best Days Are Not Behind Us

  16. Giving the Mandela Lecture

  17. We Haven’t Turned the Corner on AIDS

  18. Snapshots of an Amazing Friendship

  19. 25 Years of Learning and Laughter

  20. Let’s Preserve This Lifesaver

  21. Living With Energy Poverty

  22. Why I Would Raise Chickens

  23. More Momentum for Clean Energy

  24. A Letter From Our Foundation’s CEO

  25. How Math Secretly Affects Your Life

  26. How Did Humans Get Smart?

  27. Can Japan Come Back?

  28. The Day the Moon Blew Up

  29. 5 Books to Read This Summer

  30. This Biology Book Blew Me Away

  31. Remembering David MacKay

  32. Life As We Know It

  33. Opening Minds on Ed Tech

  34. America’s Secret Weapon

  35. Who Should Get Foreign Aid?

  36. Beating the Odds

  37. Meeting Students Where They Are

  38. My Visit to Metropolis

  39. It Is Surprisingly Hard to Store Energy

  40. Our 2016 Annual Letter in Six Photos

  41. Try This Quiz About Time, Energy, and Superheroes

  42. Two Superpowers We Wish We Had

  43. Progress on Clean Energy

  44. My Desert Island Discs

  45. The Best Teacher I Never Had

  46. Cocoa Puffs, Bonobos, and Sandra Bullock . . .

  47. “I’ll be the first person in my family to go to college.”

  48. How the Tough Got Going in Kentucky

  49. Why the Future Is Bright for the World’s Poorest Farmers

  50. Neil deGrasse Tyson Defends Science in 272 Words






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