The Gates Notes

  1. My climate message for world leaders

  2. A powerful look at one family’s hardship and resilience

  3. Meet an epidemiologist fighting to make vaccines work for communities of color

  4. 5 things you should know about variants

  5. Redditors ask the best questions

  6. A warmer world will hurt this group more than any other

  7. This virologist’s discovery saved millions of lives and helped launch our found...

  8. Don’t forget about coal miners and cement makers on the way to zero emissions

  9. My new climate book is finally here

  10. Take my second climate change quiz

  11. The one thing I hope people take away from my climate book

  12. What you can do to fight climate change

  13. My new climate book is almost here

  14. Mealtime conversations

  15. The year global health went local

  16. 4 ways the U.S. can reassert leadership on climate change

  17. A gift for mothers and babies

  18. These breakthroughs will make 2021 better than 2020

  19. Can people really change?

  20. The heroes of the cystic fibrosis fight

  21. How Brits survived the Blitzkrieg

  22. An amazing real-life espionage thriller

  23. We need more Rogers

  24. An eye-opening look into America’s criminal justice system

  25. 5 good books for a lousy year

  26. Is it too late to stop climate change?

  27. Here’s how the U.S. can lead the world on climate change innovation

  28. These married scientists are leading the way on HIV

  29. Why do we believe lies?

  30. The Road Ahead after 25 years

  31. Is inequality inevitable?

  32. Data could hold the key to stopping Alzheimer's

  33. What will the world look like after COVID-19?

  34. A few details about my new climate book

  35. Full coverage: Bed nets for Benin

  36. As COVID-19 spreads, don’t lose track of malaria

  37. How do we move around in a zero-carbon world?

  38. Happy 90th, Warren!

  39. We’re finally learning why countries excel at saving lives

  40. 7 unsung heroes of the pandemic

  41. Remembering my father

  42. This is my dad’s story

  43. Introducing the Green Premiums

  44. A hero in the fight against the world’s longest-running pandemic

  45. Grilling and chilling with Warren

  46. A critical step to reduce climate change

  47. An update from the fight to eradicate polio

  48. Everything you wanted to know about blood

  49. What wars tell you about U.S. presidents

  50. A Gentleman in Moscow has a little bit of everything






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